YOU’RE INVITED! to discuss the ground-breaking book
Women, Food and God in a two-part workshop
Women, Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Everything
The way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. No matter how sophisticated or wise or enlightened you believe you are, how you eat tells all. The world is on your plate. When you begin to understand what prompts you to use food as a way to numb or distract yourself, the process takes you deeper into realms of spirit and to the bright center of your own life. Rather than getting rid of or instantly changing your conflicted relationship with food, Women Food and God is about welcoming what is already here, and contacting the part of yourself that is already whole-divinity itself.
Let’s dive deeper into the eye-opening concepts Geneen Roth shares through candid group discussion and camaraderie.
The Wellness Studio – 312 N. Myers St., Suite 107, CLT, NC 28202
Part 1 – Wednesday, July 7
Part 2 – Wednesday, July 14
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Cost – $20.00
RSVP to [email protected] by Monday, July 5, if possible